Ponderings and Wonderings
Recently a distant member of my family passed away, which I found shocking for many reasons. Namely she was my age, and though my daughter would probably disagree, I feel that 40 and under is a relatively young age, especially to leave this world. The other thing that is really hard for me is that she had two children that were relatively the same age as my children. (young) That’s not supposed to happen, was all I could think. So, to my first point which is my selfish point, or my own existential crisis. I don’t know all the details of her health concerns, but it made me think about my own health. My life, and what I would leave behind if I left this world early. Was I a good enough parent, wife, sister or friend? What should I do to take advantage of my time, how can I not squander it. The obvious thought is to be more compassionate, to others and myself. But, I also want to live a little louder too, this relative was often larger than...