High and Uncomfortable
The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), is a strip of land that runs along the border of both North and South Korea. It’s the “buffer zone” according to Wikipedia, that was agreed on when they ended the Korean War. “ The DMZ is also littered with landmines planted over the decades - as many as 970,000 in the southern part alone, according to Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, a Geneva-based civic group.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa-southkorea-dmz-factbox/factbox-some-facts-about-the-dmz-separating-the-two-koreas-idUSKCN1TV071 There are soldiers on both sides, and this is the only way they were able to come to any sort of peace after a horrible war. What is even crazier is that where there have not been soldiers, bombs, and tanks the wild life has taken over in the DMZ. Korea is a beautiful country. But because it’s leaders couldn’t agree on governance the entire country was split into two and has experienced a great deal of trauma. The war was a...